As a young person growing up on the beaches of Long Island, I had no real concept of my good great fortune.
I would beach walk with a dear elderly neighbor, “Aunt”. We always called our elders Aunt and Uncle- even with no lineage to trace. It was a term of endearment and love. I was their assistant and a sherpa too; lugging what became an essential item for the garden.
We were beachcombers, especially after a storm. There was always a treasure that was carried up for our investigation. We never came home empty handed.
Unearthing coins was especially fun… inevitably, one or two. The change always varied; pennies we found would have a patina of life under water; quarters showed beards on George, and hair on Ike.
It was always Christmas and an exciting adventure. The walk was cathartic at the knee of a wise person who shared their stories: bringing me back to the there and then.
My dreams were consistent for most of my life. I would be walking along the beach- sometimes accompanied, oft times not. I would see a coin in the sand and start to dig… only to uncover an unending supply. I have always known that riches were my fate; intuitively I felt rich.
Hindsight gives a clearer vision.
I have found to this day; there has never been a ‘true lack’ in my life. I have not always been satisfied or monetarily full, but rich in appreciation and a life well lived.
I am here today offering my gratitude and expertise; to uncover your treasure.
You may not see it, but I know it is there; as we all have a vitality that can be found in no other. You are as important as the mountain which eventually became a grain of sand, we would have no beach to visit without you.
When we are so busy, doing…. we can never have the chance to BE!
Perhaps you need more time to look within.
Is it time for a change?
Allow me to take a bit off your plate so you can focus on what is important to you.
I am the assistance you are looking for!
Thanks for checking in.